Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thanks Jess

"I will thank you with all of my heart, I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you..." Psalm 9:1-2
Thank you Jessica!

Happy Anniversary

John suprised me with an anniversary getaway this weekend. We left Friday for Red Lodge Montana, it was cold and snowy, but we still had a wonderful time! John is so good to stop and let me take pictures along the way, this is some of the cool junk we came across.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Heidi!

Heidi celebrated her 2nd birthday this week, how time is flying! She fell so in love with Nanny's kittens in December, that we gave her a cat birthday. We had a great time at the community center with friends and family, she loved all her gifts, and of course loved being the center of attention!

We had the party a few days early on Saturday. On her actual birthday, daddy gave her a special gift, a little bird house with a secret compartment for storing tiny treasures!

She was great a blowing out the candles!

Karate Dog

William hasn't been very motivated a Karate practice lately, so his Sensei made a deal with him. If he worked really hard all week, Brian could come to class with him once. He made his karate debut on Monday- John said their was yellow hair everywhere by the end of class! It worked though, William had an excellent practice!

William, Brian, and Sensei

Morning in Meteetsee

Jessica Tharp and I took the kids over to the museum in Meteetsee last week- there was an Abraham Lincoln exhibit that William was really interested in seeing. Our picnic got snowed out, and we ended up having our luch inside the Cowboy Chocolatier- how convenient, we would've stopped there for desert anyway!

Me, William, Benjamin and Heidi

Look out behind you Jess!
Jessica and Beckett

William, Benjamin, Natalie, Heidi

Rabbit Hunting

John and William ended rabbit season with a bang- literally! We thought they just shot a super humongous cottontail- John figured out a few days later that it was a snowshoe hare- it was so big, I don't know how William was able to lift it!