Thursday, August 20, 2009

John's Deacon Ordination

This Month John was ordained as a deacon in our church. He's even taken on teaching Sunday School for the College Students (What a job!). I'm so excited that he is following God's leading in his life. His love for the Lord, and devotion to service makes him such a wonderful and supportive Husband and Father. What a special day to share with family and friends! I love you John!

L-R My parents Nana and Papa, Heidi, me, John, John's Parents Grandma and Grandpa, Front- Wiliam and Benjamin

Summer Fun

I can't believe I haven't updated the blog since Easter, I've really been neglecting it! Well, here is our summer in one entry!

The kids made a haul at a kids carnival put on by our local grocery store, best part- totally fun and FREE!
Our good friends Amber and Andy DeGraw had new baby Jacqueline- what a cutie!

Our kids at Tensleep fish hatchery, we made a couple of trips there, the kids love to feed the fish.

Heidi at Tensleep Fish Hatchery

William at Swimming lessons

Clifford comes to Worland! Heidi loved him, can't you tell?!

All Stars Dad and William

This summer, we all kept plenty busy! Vacation Bible School was the highlight of July- William, Benjamin, and I were in the Preschool Class, and John dressed up as Peter to tell the kids the Bible story each day. It was so much fun working together as a family to prepare the lessons and teach!

William and John tackled the T-Ball world this summer- William played on the Cardinals team, and John was his coach.

Family Reunion

We travelled to Brush Colorado for the Shade family reunion. John had a great time catching up with aunts, uncles, and cousins, and the kids loved the pool!

William, Benjamin, Heidi

Grandpa Bill with Brothers and Sisters