Thursday, August 7, 2008

couch potatoes

The kids got into the pantry and opened a loaf of bread while I was busy on the phone today. When I came in, they were watching cartoons and stuffing their little faces! Yesterday, William and Ben ate 11 fruit roll-ups between the two of them while I thought they were napping- this afternoon, I heard the sound of crinkling plastic and laughing upstairs. When I came into their room, I could see that they were both inside a sleeping bag, so I picked up the end of the bag, and rolled them out, hoping to catch them in the sneaky act again! To my happy suprise, there were no fruit roll ups, just the bread bag again!


William (T.R.)

Couch potatoes

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cute story about sneaking food. Natalie is getting into that stage. I got out of the shower today and found her eating an entire package of cheese slices together, not one at a time. The fridge was wide open and other food was scattered about. Can't get upset when I'm the one who left her alone for 5 whole minutes! Anyway, I wanted to tell you what a nice shower that was for Amber. It was really fun, and you do a great job of hosting. Hugs and see you soon, Jess
